Money Magnet Meditation Package - Agnes Daddona – Intuitive Counseling LLC

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Money Magnet Meditation Package

Experience full spectrum Money Alignment for your mind, body, and soul that brings incredible abundance straight to you!

Money Magnet Meditation – Attract unlimited money and raise your vibration to the frequency of wealth. Please listen to it every morning with your eyes closed as meditation or with your eyes open as a Visual Journey. Please follow with Money Magnet Affirmations for Full Activation.

Money Magnet Affirmations – Increase Confidence and your Manifestation Power! Please listen to it every evening before you fall into a dream state, with your eyes closed for meditation or with your eyes open as a Visual Journey. Please use it with Money Magnet Meditation for Full Activation.

  • These meditations are also an energetic experience. Agnes will connect you to the higher spectrum of Light using your date of birth.
  • Please listen to your meditations daily to achieve the best result.
  • Access your meditations immediately after purchase from your Account.

